MJM Agro — August 22, 2024
Reticulum innovates Czech agriculture. It acquired a stake in AG info, the software company, and offers modernization and digitization of agriculture, from software to robots

Zdenek Šoustal's investment group, Reticulum, acquired a stake in the family agricultural company AG info, which specializes in software for agricultural companies. It thus expands its agricultural portfolio: Its agricultural-technical companies MJM Agro, AGRI-PRECISION together with AG info cover all the needs of digitization and modernization of agriculture. They have been operating on the market for decades and more than half of Czech agricultural companies have entrusted their future to them. 

Autonomous robot works in the field

"I'm really happy that we are providing farmers with everything they need for their future, so that they can be competitive on an European level in five, ten years. We help them make their work more efficient, save money and protect nature. People think agriculture is old and conservative, but modern agriculture is much more modern than we can imagine. For example, robot tractors are already driving around the field and are much further than autonomous cars," says Zdenek Soustal, CEO and owner of the investment company Reticulum.


The agricultural part of the Reticulum investment group achieved a turnover of 5.5 billion crowns last year, employs over 550 people and belongs to one of the largest agricultural groups in the Czech Republic.


Agriculture is a highly modernized field. Already today, autonomous robots are driving in orchards and vineyards. Farmers are interested in progress. Modern technologies can be used by everyone, regardless of size, focus and technological knowledge


"When farmers decide to go digital, we offer them complete support and products from optimization of fertilizing and sowing, through remote control and control of machines to electronic records and automated reporting for the state administration," explains Radomír Šmoldas, CEO of the agricultural company MJM Agro, who manages the entire agricultural part of the Reticulum investment group, where all companies are connected by property.


All three agriculural companies in Reiculum portfolio have been in the market for a long time and grew up in agriculture. 

It offers a total of 72 years of experience in agriculture and technology, they have over 2,400 clients in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With its PREFARM system, MJM Agro is a pioneer of precision agriculture in the Czech Republic, and has been dedicated to it for 26 years. AGRI-PRECISION specializes in hardware that enables remote monitoring and autonomous control of agricultural machinery, including agricultural robots. AG info brings 30 years of experience with software that helps farmers in various areas, whether it is agronomic records, telematics, property, animal, attendance or harvest records. Last but not least, they also digitize reporting for the state administration.